Q: Can I book a shorter photo shoot than the Package 1? 
A: You can book for a shorter time, but a minimum of 60 minutes of shooting time is required. However, booking for a shorter time frame will not reduce the cost lower than the Package 1 price.

Q: Can I extend the time of my photo shoot "on the spot" on the day of the photoshoot?
A:  It is possible to do so if my schedule permits; however, I cannot guarantee that option will be available. It is always best to pre-plan your photo shoot properly ahead of time.

Q: Is there any type of photography you will not accept bookings for?
A: Yes, there is! If you would like to request a photo session for babies, maternity, pets, etc. (see below), I will politely decline your booking. This is my preference, and I will not make any exceptions. To save everyone's time, here is a quick guide that will break down what I will and will not accept bookings for:

The “No”:
Babies: No
Maternity: No
Pets: No
Photography that involves being in an area with any smoke or smoking: No​​​​​​​

The “Yes":​​​​​​​
Engagements & Weddings: Yes
Portraits: Yes
Models: Yes
Business: Yes
Expos: Yes
Conferences, automobile shows, art exhibits, trade shows, etc: Yes

Q: I am on a budget. Is it possible to somehow trim the cost of the photoshoot?
A: Prices are not negotiable, with no discounts or promotions offered.

Q: Can you extend the time if I arrive late for the photoshoot?
A: I always arrive early to all my bookings; this reduces stress and gives me time to get in the mood as a photographer to bring out the best of the creative ability that you expect me to deliver. Plan your day to arrive early as well. This works wonders in creating a stress-free and pleasurable experience for you. If, for some reason, you are late, please understand that I will not be able to extend the time. The pre-agreed time frame at the time of your booking is what I will use as our starting and end time.

Q: What if it rains or the weather is "bad"?
A: People commonly associate gloomy and rainy weather as "not ideal" for photography. This could not be further from the truth! Rain provides a beautiful atmosphere, and creative shots in the rain can be pretty gorgeous. For example, think of rain as an opportunity to get photos that set the mood for a romantic backdrop. Heavy overcast and gloomy weather assist the photographer in having the clouds act as a natural light diffuser. However, sunlight does cast strong shadows and has its advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to no weather condition being better or more preferred than the other. Please note that I cannot process refunds, cancellation requests, or rescheduling requests that are weather-related.

Q: Are there any situations that will cause the photo shoot to end immediately and the deposit to be forfeited?
A: Yes, there is! If I arrive at your scheduled photo session, I am presented with work to perform that is different from what was previously discussed during your booking arrangements, I will not perform the work, and your deposit will be forfeited. Please see FAQ #3 for a quick reference to what is acceptable should you book my service. Please note that no exceptions can be made to any particular category that I have marked as "No" in FAQ #3.

Q: How will I get my photos after the editing work is complete?
A: Photos are sent in very high-quality resolution, usually 6000 x 4000 (24.0 MP) or 7728 x 5152 (40.0 MP) via a secure Adobe Lightroom link. You can then download the photos and save them to your computer or cloud service. Please secure your photos immediately, as they may no longer be available 60 days (90 days for weddings) after receiving your link.

Q: Will you provide me with the RAW files after the photo shoot?
A: Each image is carefully edited to have the best possible final representation of my intended result. Therefore, I will not be able to provide the RAW files as they do not represent the final and polished image you expect me to deliver.

FAQ 10
Q: Do I get all the images you take?
A: You will receive the number of images your packages includes. Furthermore, editing not only means "retouching of the images" but also means that I go through the entire set of images taken to delete the missed shots, duplicates, and other images that do not meet the final standard of what you should expect.

FAQ 11
Q: Is there any particular color or pattern I should avoid on my photo shoot day?
A: My advice is to avoid black and white closely patterned designs as it can cause issues for the photos and make post-editing difficult (referred to as the "Moire effect"). It is always best to get the cleanest shot possible and not rely on post-editing too much, so please avoid these patterns. Otherwise, you are free to wear what you wish but keep in mind the location you selected for your photo shoot, the weather, and the "look" you want to portray for the particular occasion (if any).

FAQ 12
Q: I'm shy in front of the camera and feel awkward posing. Is there anything I can do to reassure myself?
A: Many people compare themselves to professional models in terms of their perceived ability to pose. This is neither realistic nor necessary. The most straightforward advice I can give is to be yourself and relax! Capturing the right moments is the photographer's job, not yours! It is essential to look your best because you will naturally feel your best when you do. Be well-rested, hydrated, and in a positive mood when you arrive at your photo shoot. Everything else will naturally flow. Poses take only seconds to be taught on the day of the photo shoot, but the importance of a positive and great attitude cannot be understated. If you feel great, you will look great!

FAQ 13
Q: Can I book a package as a gift for someone else?
A: Sure! Just contact us to arrange full pre-payment so no receipt will be given on the day of the photoshoot to the gift recipient that will arrive to have their photos taken.

FAQ 14
Q: I am a travel agent and would like to book your service for a VIP client. Is that okay?
A: Sure! Just contact us to arrange full pre-payment. The photos can also be sent directly to you if you wish (the travel agent) since you are providing payment. However, the photographic consent form to take photos must be signed by the client on the day of the photo shoot. Therefore, the name (identity) of the client cannot be avoided from disclosure. It is not possible to have photos taken of anyone, regardless of whom they are, without their explicit consent and signature stating so.

FAQ 15
Q: I would like to book you in another location within Indonesia. Is that possible?
A: Yes! Please contact me for details.

FAQ 16
Q: I plan on getting married in a foreign location. Can I book you a wedding package in a foreign country?
A: Possibly, but it depends on which country you are requesting. I will only accept certain countries due to my personal preference and practicality. Specific laws within some countries prohibit foreign photographers from working in that capacity. Please get in touch with me directly using the booking form or email me for more information to discuss your specific plans.

FAQ 17
Q: Do you use film or digital?
A: All photos are taken using very high-quality digital cameras.

FAQ 18
Q: What type of camera do you use, and can I choose a particular camera or lens from what you have available?
A: I shoot with either Canon or Fujifilm, but there is a 99% chance I will use a Fujifilm X or GFX camera as it is my preference. I only use full-frame Canon cameras when the particular photo shoot is most appropriately shot in full frame, such as in very small rooms where wide-angle lenses should be used. Therefore, a full frame format would be necessary. I cannot accept any particular instructions from any client regarding which camera or lens to use. The decision rests with the photographer only.

FAQ 19
Q: Do I have the “rights” to the images?
A: You will receive personal reproduction rights for all your images. This means you can display or distribute the images for personal use only. You can print the images, post them on social media, share them with friends and family and showcase them in your home. However, commercial use is not allowed - nor are you allowed to sell the images for any amount of money (no matter how small) at any time, for any reason, and on any particular platform. The copyright of the images is exclusively held with the photographer and is not shared with the client. The only exception to this is if the client arranges to have the photo shoot shot with exclusive rights to all images captured, typically companies arrange to do this when planning to use the images for commercial marketing in print or digital media (advertising), commercial distribution or for resale of the images. If you are representing a company and wish to book my services with exclusive rights, please contact me to discuss further and obtain pricing details.

FAQ 20
Q: Are there any additional costs not shown on your website?
A: If your booking is within the Jakarta Metro Area, there is no additional charge. I do not charge for travel to or within the Jakarta Metro Area. There are no surprise charges.

FAQ 21
Q: I would like another person present during my photo shoot. Is that okay?
A: Of course! It is your photo shoot, and if you feel more comfortable having a friend or family member present, that is completely fine!

FAQ 22
Q: I would like an intimate photo shoot with my partner. Is that okay?
A: No.

FAQ 23
Q: Do you provide transportation to and from the photo shoot or during the photo shoot?
A: I do not provide any transportation at all. Should we transfer locations during the photo shoot, you are responsible for the transportation for me and the people in your party.

FAQ 24
Q: I took the photos to a photo printing company to have them printed for mounting, but they said they could only be printed with written consent from the photographer. Can you write out and sign a consent form?
A: Yes! Please email me, and I will send the form back as quickly as possible!

FAQ 25
Q: I would like to propose to my partner by surprise and would like you to capture the moment. How can we arrange this?
A: The best way I have found to handle surprise marriage proposals is that you and your partner normally go through a photo shoot with me and then have a pre-arranged "signal" to give me right before you propose. The signal can be something like a thumbs up or a wink, giving me a few seconds' warning to get in position to capture the moment. You can email me the signal or inform me secretly during the photo session. Some people would like the photographer to act clandestinely and be around the couple right before the proposal to get the images secretly without the other person knowing. However, I am unable to do that. Everyone needs to give consent to photograph in writing and orally before I can begin taking photos. Also, the logistics of arranging a "secret photo shoot" are too great and involve too much room for error, therefore taking precious time away from your photo shoot. For those reasons, I can only photograph couples through consent and in the way I have described above.

FAQ 26
Q: I am traveling and only have currency from another country. Can I pay you in anything other than Indonesian Rupiah?
A: Yes! I will accept JPY, USD, GBP, EUR, AUD, and SGD for cash in addition to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), of course.
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